
Personal health information in 2019 When our drugs, medical devices and wellness tools become smart, and when the resulting personal health information is linked to mobile and internet-based systems, who or what is going to control all...

With the proliferation of "small screen" technologies such as the iPhone, blackberry devices and Palm's new Pre, we have an increasing amount of rapid access to data and information in the palm of our hands.  This extends to...

The New York Times (1/13, D3, Markoff) reports, "For the first time, researchers at an IBM laboratory have captured a three-dimensional image of" a "tobacco mosaic virus." The "technique used by the" scientists...

This sounds like technology that is far superior to current electron microscopy for resolution and depending on cost of course may one day replace the light microscope itself for routine microscopy with nano technologies they claim are...

At the IAP 2008 meeting last October in Athens I had the good fortune to hear Dr. Lynne Dobson speak about her work with whole slides, TMAs and HER2, interests of mine as well which I presented in the same seminar on digital pathology at the...

Institute for Medical Informatics, announces iPhone application for virtual microscopy (MMD Newswire) -- The Institute for Medical Informatics, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital, announces it has developed what it believes to be the...


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