It’s technology the retail industry and libraries have used for some time. Now, doctors at Mayo Clinic are using radio frequency identification to track and trace patient specimens as they go from the procedure room to the lab....
Post-Bulletin, Rochester, MN by Jeff Kiger http://www.postbulletin.com/newsmanager/templates/localnews_story.asp?z=7&a=346816 How fast is a petaflop? Roadrunner operates at speeds exceeding one petaflop -- one thousand trillion...
Typepad.com is working to restore blogs on their...
Several months ago I posted a note about Sermo, the social networking site for physicians were you can post and exchange questions, ideas, comments, etc... The "My Space" for physicians as I have heard it called. I also...
Came across this at another blog - The Medical Quack through the Medicine 2.0 blog carnival. Both of these blogs have some excellent content. The original story was on technologyreview.com last month with its own great items! Researchers...