Whole slide

The College of American Pathologists (CAP) Foundation and CAP Surgical Pathology Committee, in cooperation with Aperio, are pleased to offer select cases from the CAP Performance Improvement Program in Surgical Pathology Program (PIP) archives....

The folks at Aperio have come up with a way to view digital slides on your iPhone.  If you have an iPhone - or a spiffy new iPod Touch - you can now view digital slides on it! For a full "how to" on viewing digital slides from...

Enjoying APIII this week - this from Medical News Today: This week, more than eight hundred pathologists from around Europe and the world will take part in a first of its kind, large-scale virtual microscopy slide seminar on the web. The...

Note: A free brochure or catalogue is available from Olympus Life and Material Science Europa on the products in this news release. Olympus has introduced the updated DotSlide digital virtual microscopy system, which scans entire slides at...

This article appeared in PathologyToday, published by ASCP and written by its president, Dr. John S.J. Brooks.  Normally when I see such a title - the implication of whole slide imaging as a no-brain gateway for outsourcing and its...

I recently came across this paper from Spain published in IJSP (October 2006) comparing 31 commercially available slide systems in pathology.  The paper can be downloaded here.  A complete list of the vendors and their websites is...


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