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Webinar: Scoring for PD-L1 Using an AI based Digital Pathology Toolset from OptraSCAN Date: Jun 28, 2018 10:00 AM PDT Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HwHKpWGjQeigeE_6tqjUcw There is evidence that the efficiency, accuracy...

Waterloo Region's Grand River Hospital is partnering with Huron and the University of Waterloo in an effort to improve the pathological assessment of cancer by creating a medical image search engine. Read more here.   Huron Receives...

CaseViewer™ is 3DHISTECH’s free digital microscope application designed for supporting the histopathological diagnostic workflow and the microscope examination process in bioscience.  It is used by thousands of clinical pathologists,...


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