Current Affairs
Over the past 9 years since I started blogging there have been from time to time occasional “duplicate” or “mirrored” or “syndicated” websites and feeds of content from In nearly every case to date, including...
Breakfast Workshops at Pathology Visions 2016
Join us for the 2016 Breakfast Workshops at Pathology Visions! Breakfast workshops will take place from 7:30 - 8:30 AM in Grand Hall C and are open to all those registered. Breakfast will only be provided in these workshops, so don't miss...
The Pathologist has a recent article discussing the use of telepathology for remote neuropathology cases provided from a central site with 2 other hospitals. The article is written by Dr. Sebastian Brandner who is a Professor of...
Last Friday was the end of the month, end of the quarter, and for some companies and organizations, end of the fiscal year. October, as it used to be called, as in “Mr. October”, would strike at Midnight on Saturday as Pinktober for 31...
2 weeks ago I mentioned to a prominent cancer researcher at a prominent cancer center in the United States I would be completing 2 200-mile bike rides over the next few weeks with several hundred other folks to raise awareness and funding for...
The AP (10/3, Tanner) reports breast cancer patients are getting involved in a “big new project that aims to gather enormous troves of information about their diseases in hopes of finding new and better ways of treating patients like them –...