In the fictional novel Saigon, Illinois, the main character, Holder, describes his experience working at a Chicago hospital during the Vietnam War as a conscientious objector beginning in the Summer of 1968. Holder describes the hospital as...
Here is another piece that did not make it into “A Piece of My Mind” edited for content and lengthened to update from initial thoughts 20 years ago. Like many on Sunday before last, on TV, Facebook and even medical websites, people...
The State of Digital Pathology Today – Part 3
Earlier this year I started a now 3-part series on the “State of Digital Pathology Today” with part 1 in January and part 2 in February. Since that time many changes have and are taking place in both the pathology market as a whole and...
You read the title correctly. Check and and read what happens when a neuro-pathologist plays the guitar: Years ago, during Dr. Arie Perry's pathology training, one of his attendings challenged the residents to...
As a medical student in 1993, a classmate of mine, Joel B. and I started a student-run newspaper for Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine called The Beat, which I understand still exists in some form today, though online...
Because I enjoy reading pap smears as much as the next pathologist, I was saddened to read about the pending demise of the beloved cervical cytology specimen. About a week ago, an FDA advisory panel recommended use of a DNA-based HPV test...