
In grade school we were taught that nearly all Canadians lived within 50 miles of the United States - Canadian border. We sent them baseball players and they sent us acid rain.  They sent us hockey players, cold fronts and oil.  We sent...

  New Solutions for High-Throughput Fluorescent Scanning & Analysis from Aperio ePathology  Will Howat, PhD Head of Histopathology/ISH Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Institute To mark the release of the...

Courtesy of The Pathology Blawg: While the error rate in surgical pathology is low, a recent study by Patients for Fair Compensation (PFC) found that when malpractice claims go to trial, pathologists, more often than other physician...

More institutions join PathCentral Pathology Network - latest member is Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s Department of Pathology. Who will be the next institution to join?  IRVINE, Calif. (April 29, 2013) –...

SAVE THE DATE: New Diagnostic IHC Antibodies Join Hadi Yaziji, MD Medical Director Vitro Molecular Laboratory Tuesday, May 7, 2013 9:00 am and 12:00 pm CST/3:00 pm and 6:00 pm GMT Attendees will be eligible for one (1)...


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