Utilizing Social Media in Outreach Marketing for Clinical Laboratories Social media is one of the biggest platforms where you can reach out and target any type of audience depending on your niche. Social media allows you to make quick...
A Brief Guide to Clinical Laboratory & Medical Device Marketing Marketing to medical practices and pathology laboratories is a very dynamic process. Staying in touch with the latest industry trends and technologies is the most important...
Latest offering from DRdoubleB - set to "50 Ways to Say Goodbye" by Train....
Check out Your iPhone Just Called: Your Blood-Sugar Is High in The Wall Street Journal. I wonder if proposed health care reforms will help or hinder these types of technologies available to manage health care...
Definiens has a channel on YouTube and a Twitter page. The YouTube page (Definiens Life TV) has some excellent videos including several webinars you can view that have been uploaded in the past week. Another excellent example of...
There is an interesting case of the week up at PathXchange (registration required to view) from Dr. Sumire Kitahara at Cedars Sinai Medical Center. There are nice images of an unusual breast lesion, more commonly seen in...