If you are attending CAP meeting in DC this upcoming week, I gather more information will be available from the respective companies. Will be giving a course on virtual microscopy and telepathology that will provide a general review of...
IBM Research aims to build a nanoscale DNA sequencer, which if succesful could improve throughput and reduce cost to $100–$1,000 per genome sequenced. The scientists’ technique will analyze genetic code by passing DNA strands through...
NIH continues to do its part of allocating funding from stimulus money...Some of it seems excessive. Nearly $8 million to bail out a drug company? And only $22 million to IUPUI out of $5 billion? Good to see investment in...
Dr. Ed Uthman is a practicing pathologist who recently posted this video on YouTube. Regardless of where you are on the debate of healthcare reform I think Ed sums up succintly some widely perceived misconceptions regarding several...
This week PathXchange (Px) is showcasing the "Fibroepithelioma of pinkus in a 9-year-old boy" by Dr. Deba Sarma as the "Px Case of the Week". Abstract: Fibroepithelioma of Pinkus (FEP) is a rare...
Definiens is proud to introduce Tissue Studio™ REGISTER HEREThe Most Advanced Digital Pathology Image Analysis Solution for Biomarker Translational Research Definiens has long been recognized as having the most powerful image analysis...