Many thanks to a reader for sending along a link to the Leica SCN400 I understand will be shown at ECP 2009 in Florence starting later this week. Details about the system are scant. Link to Leica's website about...
A couple of weeks ago - 6:30 AM phone call This interaction actually happened and reminded me of this New Yorker cartoon about New York and “everything else”. Caller: Dr. Kaplan, this is Mr. So and So from the...
The CAP Foundation and CAP Surgical Pathology Committee, in cooperation with Aperio, post a different digitized case each month from the CAP Performance Improvement Program in Surgical Pathology Program (PIP) archives. As part of the...
Stanley H. Kaplan, 90, who founded the nation's first and largest test preparation company and transformed the way students prepare for higher education, died Aug. 23 of a heart ailment at his home in New York. The Stanley H. Kaplan Co....
Don't Miss the Digital Pathology Event of the Year! 5 Key Reasons to Attend Pathology Visions 2009: #1 Attend Dynamic Product and Peer-to-Peer Workshops#2 Interact with Peers at Networking Events#3 Obtain...
Every once in awhile I come across a YouTube video I consider worth sharing. As the CNN story starts on a related video, anyone who has had baggage lost, misrouted or damaged can relate to, this video is worth seeing if you are not one...