Posts to resume December 1. ... Mark Your Calendar / Plan to Attend APIII 2009 Sunday, September 20 – Thursday, September 24, 2009 Marriott City Center Hotel, Pittsburgh...
Training Opportunities in Pathology Informatics A number of residents from my own institution as well as others have inquired about formal training opportunities in pathology informatics. According to the directory on the Association for...
Attendees of this year's Pathology Visions can view the presentations online at Again, slides from my talk are available on and My...
Earlier this week I had the good fortune of having the opportunity to speak at Pathology Visions in San Diego. This annual meeting strives to bring together attendees from around the world to share best practices and learn about exciting...
Last week I was fortunate to have the opportunity to speak at APIII in Pittsburgh with one of my colleagues to speak about our interests and projects at Mayo. The shared session also included a histotechnologist from Massachusetts...