
I am trying something new here.  A new case each month will be presented with hope of presenting a Case of the Week if there is interest in doing so.  Readers can respond with comments or diagnoses for a particular case and share...

Olympus is hosting with a partner company, Visiopharm, a Stereology workshop Visiopharm has outstanding image analysis, with a module called Visiomorph, and has created a method to do Stereology on virtual slides with their NewCast ...

Galveston Medical Technology Students Need Your Used Books Nearly 50% of the medical technology students at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB) lost most of their belongings in their rooms on Galveston Island when...

In 2006 the American Society of Cytopathology (ASC) appointed a "New Profession for Cytotechnologists Task Force" to address ASC members’ concerns regarding emerging trends that threaten to reduce Pap test volumes. The ASC hired...

Through the Critical Section I came across a link to an article by a tech blogger by the name of Dana Blakenhorn who has been a business journalist since 1978 and has covered technology since 1982.  Here is a short take entitled "Dr....

In the spirit of Web 2.0 I have posted my slides from the conference on and  A cursory search of both of these sites from time to time yields hundreds of presentations of various topics in health and...


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