Thursday, 18th February 2016 | Europe 4.00 – 5.00pm GMT | USA 4.00 – 5.00pm EST PathXL’s educational solution supports the combination of digital pathology with other multimedia and content creation capabilities to provide a rich...
ERISA Protections for Laboratories and Pathology Groups: How to Defend Against Recoupments, Repayment Demands, and SIU Audits CD now available for webinar that aired on January 14, 2016 If you missed the webinar from Pathology Webinars on...
Click on the image below to register. Members may register for free at www.digitalpathologyassociation.org. Non-member fee is $100. Source: Digital Pathology...
Expanding Access to Expertise: UPMC Digital Pathology Consultation Service December 15th, 2015 12:00 PM EST Dr. Liron Pantanowitz Professor of Pathology & Bioinformatics, Director of Pathology Informatics University of Pittsburgh Medical...
This live webinar is all about the way Philips sees the future of the pathology lab, as well as how we tackle any challenges together with our customers. Sharing multiplies your knowledge. This simple statement might look obvious. But is...
TMA Manual Biomarker Scoring: An automated and streamlined approach Wednesday, 18th November | USA 8am PST, 11am EDT | Europe 4pm GMT PathXL’s TMA module designed to speed up research studies which require manual...