
Histological stains in medical and research specimens permit visual differentiation and discrimination of one microscopic tissue or cellular component from another, thus enabling observation of the architecture that describes the subject...

Determining the mitotic activity in Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) is known to be difficult, time-consuming and associated with problems of reproducibility in differentiating mitotic figures from apoptotic cells, necrotic cells or...

Learn how to easily keep, grow, and retain business with your current technology by incorporating telepathology into your existing workflow. Join us on November 19th at 1 PM EST Dr. Keith Kaplan and Remote Medical Technologies are...

Register Now for the Applied Spectral Imaging Webinar on Automated FISH! A Platform You Can Count On Presented Twice on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 09:00 AM UTC/GMT & 08:00 AM PST To register, click here. Or just simply...

Free Webinar from Indica Labs: It's About Time - From Digital Slide to Image Analysis Results at Lightning Speed with HALO™ + Hyper-Cluster™ Technology STEVEN HASHAGEN | CEO, INDICA LABS KATE LILLARD TUNSTALL, PhD | CSO, INDICA...


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