Aperio Science WebinarDigital Pathology in Clinical TrialsTuesday, June 23, 20098:00 am PDT, 11:00 am EDT, 3:00 pm GMT Presenter:Liliana UlianovMedical Director, Imaging Services EuropeBiomedical SystemsThe use of digital pathology in...
Check out some nice webinars on digital IHC including one on study results with comparison between glass slide and virtual microscopy. Both are from Dr. Holger Lange at Aperio and can be found at:...
About Aperio Aperio is the market leader in digital pathology, which is a digital environment for the management and interpretation of pathology information that originates with a digital slide. April Science...
From SlidePath - an invitation to join them at an upcoming Webinar: SlidePath, Inc would like to invite you to join us at one of their upcoming Webinars. Webinars are a great way to find out about our innovative software for Image...
Topics covered: • Automatic nuclear, membrane, and cytoplasm bio‑ marker...