Medical Research

Princeton University spinoff BioNanomatrix Inc. of Philadelphia today announced it has received a new $200,000 Small Technology Transfer Research (STTR) grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the US National Institutes of Health....

Recent paper by leaders in pathology informatics.  Abstract and reference below.  Available on Science Direct among other providers. Medical Laboratory Informatics Liron Pantanowitz MDa, Walter H. Henricks MDb and Bruce A. Beckwith...

In the journal's 28 September 2007 issue, Science, in partnership with the National Science Foundation, is pleased to present the winners and honorable mentions in the fifth annual Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge. The articles...

There is widespread agreement that it's beneficial and that it could improve all aspects of medicine, but there is also much standing in the way of electronic medical records.Computerizing medical data is an old and obvious idea. The upsides in...

State Senator Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto) announced today that Governor Schwarzenegger signed his Senate Bill 362, which would prohibit employers and others from forcing anyone to have a radio frequency identification (RFID) device implanted...

October 10, 2007

E-mail from caBIG

Dear caBIG™ Supporter, In the world of cancer research, the imperative of “connectivity” is gaining ground. Issue 4 of caBIG™ Links focuses on the benefits of increasing collaboration among the cancer community, clinicians, and...


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