
Pancreatic cancer and bile duct cancer are difficult to diagnose and often fatal because they are discovered in the advanced stages of the disease. Researchers have developed new tests that double the ability to detect bile duct and pancreatic...

One of our recent GI/liver pathology fellows completed a manuscript that addresses the key points of the legal and regulatory environment involving teleconsultation in pathology.  The paper will appear in an upcoming issue of Human...

What does the social networking MD network, Sermo, think about image enhanced reports, telepathology, externalizing pathology images, etc...? This was a post on Sermo several months ago.  I thought of it recently when our group was asked...

The Michener Institute is adding digital laboratory slide images to the EHRBy Jerry Zeidenberg  Toronto’s Michener Institute, an educational centre for applied health sciences, has started integrating digitized microscopy images into an...

There is widespread agreement that it's beneficial and that it could improve all aspects of medicine, but there is also much standing in the way of electronic medical records.Computerizing medical data is an old and obvious idea. The upsides in...

October 10, 2007

E-mail from caBIG

Dear caBIG™ Supporter, In the world of cancer research, the imperative of “connectivity” is gaining ground. Issue 4 of caBIG™ Links focuses on the benefits of increasing collaboration among the cancer community, clinicians, and...


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