
Although so far this winter, the temperatures have been very mild, I can recall January's of past we were not so fortunate. According to records I reviewed, 9 of the 15 coldest days in Chicago where the temperature was at least 20 below zero...

January 06, 2019

Of Mice and Boys

Growing up in the Chicago suburbs, many of the kids in our neighborhood had pet snakes. It seems we use to collect baseball cards and coins and rocks and fossils and beer cans and pretty much anything else you can find enough of to stick on a...

Originally published in 2016 about an experience 16 years old when I posted this then. In my first year as a pathology attending, our pathology department offered a fine needle aspiration (FNA) service for subcutaneous lumps and bumps that...

Over the Summer, before a Breast Cancer Tumor Board meeting, the oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons and I were discussing “What if?” “What if you weren’t a surgical pathologist or a surgeon?” the radiation oncologist asked...

This is a continuation from Mr. Sims and the Summer of ’95 – Part 1. On Thursday, July 13, 1995 the high temperature at O’Hare Airport was 104 degrees. Mayor Daley was quoted as saying “It’s hot. It’s very hot. Yesterday we broke...

This past few weeks of "Feels like 102 degree temps" brings me back to this story published 3 years ago about events 20 years prior to that. Mr. Sims appeared in front of Judge O’Callahan in a Cook County Circuit Court in Chicago off of...


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