Laboratory Coding & Billing

Join us at Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans! REGISTER NOW As a clinical laboratory manager, you continue to be tasked with more effectively controlling your lab’s costs, while at the same time enhancing the quality and integrity of your lab...

Again, the talk of not healthcare reform but rather healthcare payment reform and the interests of lawmakers, physicians, patients, payers and industry at stake with potential significant cost/reimbursement and research budget cuts proposed...

The bread and butter of every surgical pathologist, the 88305 biopsy code, among others for larger specimens, face a significant reduction for technical cost reimbursement.  The professional reimbursements are expected to change very little....

On the surface of things, this press release from yesterday I find very interesting. No doubt for end-to-end workflows for digital pathology, much like glass slide pathology, pathologists will work in their LISs. These systems control order...


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