Anatomic Pathology
One of my favorite YouTube videos is entitled "Surgeon vs. Pathologist" but it could easily be "Pulmonologist" or "Gastroenterologist" or "Urologist" or more "vs. Pathologist". Every pathologist has their own stories about these incidences and...
News today from two of the biggest names in digital pathology. In the past six years or so we have seen Roche acquire BioImagene, Aperio get acquired by Leica Biosystems and Philips acquire PathXL. Two of those being examples of large...
Deep machine learning platform and world-class scanning hardware combine for a complete digital pathology solution for veterinary, human and air quality labs OREM, Utah - Techcyte Inc., a provider of deep learning image analysis...
Histoindex’s Stain-Free Digital Pathology System Receives HSA...
Designed to aid pathologists in the clinical diagnosis of liver fibrosis and other chronic liver diseases, the stain-free Laennec® digital pathology imaging system by MedTech innovator Histoindex Pte. Ltd. has achieved its first regulated...
NovoPath, Inc. announces the integration of the NovoPathTM Anatomic Pathology Software Platform with Philips IntelliSite Pathology Solution and Wholeslide Imaging System. This announcement follows a thorough process of development and...
Introducing Oncotopix AI Webinar: Oncotopix AI Webinar Wednesday, March 7th, 2018 8 AM CST | 2 PM GMT | 3 PM CET Register Artificial intelligence and deep learning are probably the most popular buzzwords this year within the healthcare...