Anatomic Pathology
TRIBVN Healthcare and its Partner Hamamatsu are Supporting the Path...
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TRIBVN Healthcare, Hamamatsu Photonics and the University Hospital Centre of Montreal have joined forces in a partnership for the creation of a centre of excellence in digital pathology In 2015, the University Hospital Centre of Montreal...
As of last Thursday, April 12, 2017 and going back to a rainy night in Cleveland on November 2, 2016, the past 162 days have seen at least 3 things most Americans, and perhaps many across the world thought they would never see happen in their...
Confocal Microscopy Webinar Join us April 25 from 11:00 AM–Noon (CDT)to learn more about using non-invasive imaging as a diagnostic tool for assessing pigmented skin lesions. Register Now Webinar: Confocal Microscopy for...
Welcome news anticipated from FDA for some time with recent Philips submission for approval. Philips Intellisite Pathology Solution (PIPS) first WSI system approved with special controls on the system to insure patient safety. More to follow on...
ContextVision Secures Large-Scale Data Source for Digital Pathology...
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STOCKHOLM - ContextVision, a medical technology company specializing in image analysis and artificial intelligence, has started a collaboration and signed an agreement with ALABplus, one of Poland's largest provider of pathology...
Apparently it is official...pathologists have been replaced by Google. Just like those folding maps, the yellow pages, the white pages, newspapers, racing forms, microfiche, books and other annoying analog nuances of daily life. The original...