Anatomic Pathology
Evolution of Digital Pathology With A Brief Look Back – Where...
At the 2007 CAP Futurescape meeting in Rosemont, Illinois Bruce Friedman suggested I start a blog on digital pathology and emerging technologies. Bruce had been blogging for some time (and still does!) at Lab Soft News. The conference itself...
Following the recent news of “The Pathologist" Magazine naming Prof. Pantanowitz in the Top 100 Power List for 2015 and more recently of UPMC choosing PathXL for their digital pathology education PathXL had the pleasure of asking Prof....
Labs and Pathologists: How to Assess Business Arrangements with Referring Physicians to Avoid Compliance Concerns Thursday, February 18, 2016 @ 11 a.m. PST Register Now! YOUR PRESENTER: Richard S. Cooper, Chair, National...
microDimensions, software and service provider for digital pathology image analysis solutions, recently launched Slidematch™, the one-of-a-kind software for the alignment of differently stained brightfield sections in full resolution....
The Paris-Sud AP-HP Hospital Consortium: How Digital Pathology Tran...
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The Paris-Sud University Hospital Consortium is comprised of three hospitals: Antoine-Béclère, Bicêtre and Paul-Brousse. These hospitals provide a wide variety of specialized medical and surgical services for children and adults, with a...
New Articles in Journal of Pathology Informatics
Quantitative nucleic features are effective for discrimination of intraductal proliferative lesions of the breast Masatoshi Yamada, Akira Saito, Yoichiro Yamamoto, Eric Cosatto, Atsushi Kurata, Toshitaka Nagao, Ayako Tateishi, Masahiko Kuroda J...