
Dr. Karim Sirgi, MD, MBA, FCAP, Managing Partner and CEO, LambdaX3 International recently wrote the below post on LinkedIn. Karim has kindly agreed to allow me to repost it here to share outside LinkedIn - including our loyal patient following....

We are all busy, and I’m not different. Between busy clinical schedules, travel for work and pleasure, the Spring and Summer are a blur. But there’s nothing like voices from your past to force you to take a pause. I’ve recently received...

On my most recent flight to the United Kingdom in May to give a couple of talks in London, as I was settling into my seat for the 6 hour flight, a young girl came up behind me and said that she had with window seat. She was out of breath,...

NASHVILLE, TN – In a stunning health care coup, Stalwart Memorial Hospital has announced a new advertising campaign that is sure to change the face of hospital publicity and simultaneously lower the cost of health care for the consumer....


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