
One of the arguments against using telemedicine is that it damages the physician-patient relationship.  For a patient-contact specialty, never having the chance to touch your patient s probably impairs your ability to diagnose and treat...

In My Humble Opinion recently put me onto The White Coat Investor, a blog written by an emergency room physician with a book by the same name available at Amazon.  He mentions on his site that he is a "practicing, full-time,...

The email subscription service since this blog was started in 2007 has been an important component of information sharing and re-sharing for the day's news and content. It has come to our attention recently that there were some changes with the...

The College of American Pathologists (CAP) has sent a letter to Ms. Clara Marie Smith (CMS) on behalf of Mickey Doyle (MD) in response to the reimbursement cuts now in effect for immunohistochemistry (IHC), essentially claiming that they don't...

A recent post has been featured on the CAP Today Online. CAP Today recommends Remote slide viewing goes real-time.   Read more. The appearance of advertising is not a CAP guarantee or endorsement of the product or the claims...

The Chicago Tribune had a recent article entitled "Chicago State sends 2nd salvo at faculty website". The article mentions "Chicago State University has demanded that a group of faculty members remove a photograph and change the domain name of...


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