Digital Pathology News Items Elsewhere
Dr. Bruce Friedman @ Lab Soft News has had a couple of interesting posts and recent comments on the digital pathology space from his perspective as a longtime pathology informaticist and observations on digital pathology in early 2014: Cloud...
Meeting Unmet Patient Needs Timed well with millions of Americans becoming insured under the ACA’s new healthcare coverage, the number of retail clinics is rapidly growing to meet patient needs. With an anticipated shortage of primary care...
Updated features and enhancements to the newly developed iMedHD2™ provide pathologists with the latest innovative telepathology technology. March 25, 2014- Melville, NY – Remote Medical Technologies, LLC. has released its iMedHD2™...
One of the arguments against using telemedicine is that it damages the physician-patient relationship. For a patient-contact specialty, never having the chance to touch your patient s probably impairs your ability to diagnose and treat...
In My Humble Opinion recently put me onto The White Coat Investor, a blog written by an emergency room physician with a book by the same name available at Amazon. He mentions on his site that he is a "practicing, full-time,...
The email subscription service since this blog was started in 2007 has been an important component of information sharing and re-sharing for the day's news and content. It has come to our attention recently that there were some changes with the...