Katie McKinley from PathXL has a nice piece on their blog on the use of social networking tools and technologies combined with digital pathology for what I termed "Pathology 2.0". That is to say that the same tools that allow us to be and stay...
In 2009 PathXL made a bold move and announced that all our products would reside entirely in The Cloud. This introduced a new SaaS (Software as a Service) model to the Digital Pathology market. As a new player in the Digital Pathology...
Courtesy of Electronic Health Reporter - post by Jaye Connolly, CEO of PathCentral (with mention of some of my thoughts and this blog): For all of its sophistication, digital pathology turns on just a few basic value propositions: images...
While I don't usually write about specific cases, such as, I had a really neat case of pinworm in an appendix or a lymphoma involving the GI tract, I have used many of the others below that are good practice before putting something "out there"...
The Digital Pathology Blog is now available from as an Android App from the Google Play store. Install today on your Android OS mobile device and take The Digital Pathology Blog with you for latest news, updates from the world of healthcare,...
A little over a year ago I wrote a piece entitled "No Approval Necessary" that talked about how blogs written by physicians are one of the few venues we have as highly regulated and scrutinized professionals in our daily lives and in terms of...