
If your holidays were anything like mine, they involved some travel, some interesting weather & lack of Internet, wi-fi, telephone or television for a few days, which I happened to enjoy.  That leaves me still trying to catch up on...

Since starting this blog over a year ago I have relied upon "word of blog" from other physician bloggers (see: New Digital Pathology Blog by Keith Kaplan & The Bits and Bytes of Pathology), other digital pathology blogs...

The 34th edition of Medicine 2.0 blog carnival is a bit unique because it will be a microcarnival edition for the first time in its history. You can check all the posts and news about the world of medicine 2.0 and health 2.0 out in the...

Westby Fisher, MD is a cardiologist and fellow physician blogger in Evanston, IL who has been blogging since November 2005 at  At the time I started this blog we worked at the same hospital and since then I have relied...

I received a note from Ralph Moher from General Data as did I suspect most registered participants of APIII prior to the meeting that he would be live blogging from APIII.  I have seen this at other meetings (most notably...

It is a pleasure to once again host the Medicine 2.0 blog carnival.  Again, many thanks to all the contributors and in particular to Berci Mesko at for several excellent references. If you are not familiar with blog...


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