
  How to Protect Your Lab from Costly and Time-Consuming Government Investigations and Qui Tam Lawsuits—and What to Do If the Government Does Come Calling     ORDER YOUR CD TODAY!   If you missed the webinar from...

Visiopharm, the leading provider of quantitative digital pathology software for diagnostics and research, announces the launch of VIS 6.0-- a powerful new version of their software. VIS 6.0 includes many new features plus Engine™ a new...

Courtesy of Dr. Richard Friedberg, Issues of Interest Section on CAPConnect: CAP members may be aware of the American Osteopathic Association’s (AOA) recent “Doctors That DO” advertising campaign, which includes two print ads that many...

Labs and Pathologists: How to Assess Business Arrangements with Referring Physicians to Avoid Compliance Concerns Thursday, February 18, 2016 @ 11 a.m. PST   Register Now! YOUR PRESENTER: Richard S. Cooper, Chair, National...


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