Laboratory for Microscope Demonstration and Workshops Located in Tokyo “We experience a strong demand from users who want to try out our instruments and see the performance with their own eyes. The Experience Lab is a fantastic...
A physician blogger in the Chicago area who blogs over at In My Humble Opinion is a prolific poet who writes about "A primary care physician's thoughts on medicine and life". Honestly, his daily trials and tribulations with healthcare today...
VISTA, CA - April 2, 2014 — Leica Biosystems, a global leader in ePathology solutions, announced today, a partnership with QualityStar® LLC, a leading independent and external quality assurance service provider. This collaboration will...
By any account, this year's USCAP meeting was a success for anyone who attended - presenter, attendee and/or vendor. One of the single largest pathology-only meetings with a large international contingent attending and high quality educational...
Take a Closer Look - See How We Can Accelerate Your Research Visit Leica Biosystems Booth #2313, Beckman Coulter Life Sciences Booth #2307, and Molecular Devices Booth #2412 Short Feature Presentations on Digital Pathology will be given...
BUFFALO GROVE, IL, March 24, 2014 – Leica Biosystems announced that it has signed an agreement with GNYHA Services, an acute care group purchasing and supply chain management organization. Effective March 1, 2014, Leica Biosystems'...