Clinical Laboratories

Cytotechnologists and On-Site Evaluation of Adequacy Korean J Pathol 2013(Oct); 47(5): 405-410. Collins JA, Novak A, Ali SZ , Olson MT Department of Pathology, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD,...

Digital pathology helps KDL Pathology offer improved care and turnaround time for difficult cases   Related Link: Source: VentanaMarcom Channel...

Companion Algorithm ER (SP1) image analysis software clearance completes the company's breast diagnostic portfolio, providing physicians with the industry's only FDA-cleared testing package of five key breast biomarkers with their corresponding...

A partnership making R2R workflow (“Reagent to Report”) a reality by combining Biocare’s automated IHC instrumentation and reagents with ASI’s computer-aided imaging and analysis Carlsbad, California and Concord, California,...

In-Hood Image Capture for the Surgical Pathology Gross Room with HD Video Conferencing Built-in digital imaging that doesn't disrupt your workflow The PathSuite 2 Software interface provides simple OneClick-Plus™ camera control...

Courtesy of Geeks News Desk December 3, 2013 Definiens, a healthcare company that advances personalized medicine through image analysis and digital pathology solutions, today released results from an industry survey on the drivers of...


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