Clinical Laboratories
Dark Daily last week made mention of recent market analysis research conducted by Frost & Sullivan. Check out their story entitled "Financial Experts Predict Sales of Digital Pathology Systems Will Nearly Triple in the United States by...
The below article is courtesy of Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS), the international honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is...
Medscape (subscription required) had an article last week called "GAO Suspects Monetary Motive in Physician In-House Pathology". Whoo. That's good. I thought the GAO may have been looking into this with a multi-part report for reasons other...
In a strange bit of marketing irony I received this card in the mail today from UPMC. Exciting news about a new iPhone/microscope appliance to capture and send images for consult to a bevy of over 100 pathologists performing consults within a...
Source: Marketwatch Aug 08, 2013 (ACCESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The healthcare industry has become increasingly digitized over the past decade, with companies like Cerner Corporation (NASDAQ:CERN) and MedAssets Inc. (NASDAQ:MDAS) bringing an...
Thanks to a colleague for alerting me to a recent story from the Boston NPR website written by a practicing pathologist on a recent experience with a patient who requested a one-on-one consultation with him to review her slides and...