Clinical Laboratories
Online Platform Will Expand and Expedite Consultations for Pathologists PathCentral, a technology-enabled company dedicated to the success of the international pathology community, and Affiliated Pathologists Medical Group, today announced...
Leica Biosystems Trusted by Top U.S. Cancer Centers
US News & World Report ranked the top US Cancer Centers and Leica Biosystems solutions are trusted by the Top 50 Ranging from specimen preparation and staining to imaging and reporting, our solutions help increase workflow...
Dr. Tom Wheeler from the Baylor College of Medicine (Houston) blogs over at Lab Line by the Doctor’s Doctor on Medscape (registration required). He has insightful pieces that speak to the practice and economics of laboratory medicine. This...
Courtesy of Electronic Health Reporter - post by Jaye Connolly, CEO of PathCentral (with mention of some of my thoughts and this blog): For all of its sophistication, digital pathology turns on just a few basic value propositions: images...
Live Aperio ePathology Webinar Validation of ePathology for Frozen Sections in an NHS Hospital Trust Presented by: Brian P. Mitchelson, FIBMS, MPhil, PhD, Histology Supervisor,...