Clinical Laboratories

IBM Research aims to build a nanoscale DNA sequencer, which if succesful could improve throughput and reduce cost to $100–$1,000 per genome sequenced. The scientists’ technique will analyze genetic code by passing DNA strands through...

Apollo PACS continues to make inroads with a number of new customers using their PathPACS® product for digital image management with their existing LIS.  Their latest addition is Henry Ford Health System, a department known...

I have had a chance to check out some of Definien's algorithms and they clearly understand issues related to stain quality, contrast, heterogeneity and being able to enhance "region of interest" processing with algorithms that can...

There is mention in the press release of Dr. John Gilbertson discussing the LIS of tomorrow at APIII which does not take place until September 20th... Sunquest Information Systems, Inc., a market leader in laboratory and diagnostic...

Check out Dark Daily's story on FISH-Based Test to Diagnose Melanoma is Goal of Neogenomics. Abbott Laboratories will supply Neogenomics with proprietary probes to develop and commercialize its own FISH-based test for...

The Washington Post (8/17, Vogel) reports that the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) in Washington, slated to be closed as part of the 2011 shutdown of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, has taken public issue with a private...


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