Clinical Pathology
Advances in Pathology Tissue Management Reduce Formalin Use, Improve Quality and Cut Costs FREE Special Edition White Paper Formalin has been a linchpin chemical in anatomic pathology for more than 100 years, despite widespread...
So let me see if I have this straight -- Epic has hired a lobbying firm to lobby Congress to counter stories they are not interoperable with other systems when in fact they are? And the people you are going to take this message to is...
PathXL launches PathXL Xplore, sparking a new era for digital patho...
PathXL, the leading supplier of software solutions to the digital pathology community, announce the launch of PathXL Xplore, a next generation image information management system designed specifically for the research lab. Xplore is the most...
Many recent several news items to come across the wires in the past few days, including from England, Ireland, Netherlands and China. See below for several deals related to R&D, molecular pathology, clinical diagnostics, education and...
ATA Publishes Clinical Guidelines for Telepathology
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The American Telemedicine Association recently published an update to the original ATA guideline on telepathology and provides new and updated guidance on specific applications, practice, benefits, limitations, and regulatory issues that...
Visit Applied Spectral Imaging at two shows this August - come see our latest pathology quantitative diagnostic aid and learn more about ASI’s GenASIs ™ Pathology Suite. NSH 2014, the 40th Annual NSH Convention in Austin, Texas, USA –...