Clinical Pathology

Carl Zeiss Microscopy is pleased to announce they will be attending this year’s annual meeting for the American Association for Cancer Research in San Diego.  Stop by booth # 2426 to try out the newest products from ZEISS and for a...

Join Definiens at the AACR Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA Genomics has made great strides in advancing cancer diagnostics, but alone it cannot write the future of patient care. It will be Tissue Phenomics™ and the correlation of big data...

Voloom is microDimensions' highly automated digital pathology software for histology reconstruction from serial sections. With Voloom, 3D histology is becoming real, in particular the visualization, segmentation, volumetric measurement, and...

Because I enjoy reading pap smears as much as the next pathologist, I was saddened to read about the pending demise of the beloved cervical cytology specimen.  About a week ago, an FDA advisory panel recommended use of a DNA-based HPV test...

One of the arguments against using telemedicine is that it damages the physician-patient relationship.  For a patient-contact specialty, never having the chance to touch your patient s probably impairs your ability to diagnose and treat...

Have you ever moved to a new state and had to apply for another state medical license? How easy was that? Did you wish that you could have just one medical license that covered you for the whole United States? More support for a federal...


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