Electronic Medical Records

Interesting article from Medscape on EMRs and potential malpractice risks.  I would add that part of "too much information" and overuse of templates may result in a significant information or necessary information not...

Today, Mayo Clinic and Microsoft announced the launch of Mayo Clinic Health Manager, a free online application that provides people with a place to store medical information and receive personalized health guidance based on the clinical...

Attending the HIMSS meeting next week.  This press release about Mayo and IBM was released in advance of the meeting but I gather we will all be hearing more about similar technlogies and initiatives as the meeting progresses through next...

A number of people have asked me recently if healthcare IT initiatives will receive any funding from the recently passed stimulus package.  Here is a nice summary I saw recently: The $787 billion economic stimulus package includes $19...

On the right sidebar you will find a link for a Pathology Atlas which takes you to a seperate page within the blog to an atlas of pathology images hosted by Medting.  To date, I have uploaded over 6000 pathology images, gross and...

This has been discussed for some time; the integration of whole slide images with LIS information to optomize workflow.  It is another step towards complete adoption of digital pathology.  It is encouraging to see leading whole...


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