General Healthcare News

By Simon Häger, Product manager Sectra Digital Pathology Many pathology labs are currently switching from glass-based reviews using a microscope, to a computer-based workflow for reviewing digital images. This transition is particularly...

By Chrystal Adams, Associate Vice President, XIFIN and Don Rule, CEO, Translational Software There is ongoing effort in healthcare to integrate and expand the use of patient data to improve clinical decision making and support...

XIFIN Inc., the healthcare information technology company revolutionizing the business of healthcare diagnostics, will co-present a session with the University of Chicago on collaborative diagnostic workflows at the Cambridge Healthtech...

Growing up in Chicago, Canada was a place that my father told me provided “virgin” lakes for fishing we would visit before anyone else (supposedly). Canada also supplied the United States with hockey players and acid rain while we provided...

Great story in The Pathologist entitled "An Ocean Apart" -- How pathology differs on either side of the Atlantic - and how it doesn't by Michael Schubert What exactly is a boot? Or a biscuit? Or a chip? If you pictured part of a car, a sweet...


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