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The Digital Pathology Global Pioneer Award 2016 Winners Announced
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Honored and grateful beyond words to be among those chosen by my peers to receive this pioneering award for work in digital pathology. Countless folks over the past two decades have contributed to development of the technology, applications,...
Pathology 2.0 Comes of Age: Recommendations for Protecting Privacy ...
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There is an interesting article in this month's AMA Journal of Ethics by Drs. Crane and Gardner on the use of pathology images in social media. The authors introduce the article in their abstract as "There is a rising interest in the use of...
Courtesy of The Washington Post: Brandi Lee Weaver-Gates does not have cancer. The 24-year-old former beauty queen never has, nor has she ever undergone the agonizing trials of chemotherapy. She has never shivered in a hospital...
If immunotherapy has the cancer community riveted on the treatment side, liquid biopsies are equally exciting on the diagnostics end. And IBM is bringing its research heft to bear on the world of liquid biopsy with an intent to build a...
We are all busy, and I’m not different. Between busy clinical schedules, travel for work and pleasure, the Spring and Summer are a blur. But there’s nothing like voices from your past to force you to take a pause. I’ve recently received...
The bread and butter of every surgical pathologist, the 88305 biopsy code, among others for larger specimens, face a significant reduction for technical cost reimbursement. The professional reimbursements are expected to change very little....