General Healthcare News
Tumor boards, or cancer conference or multi-disciplinary oncology patient management conferences have been mentioned here (see: Second Opinion). All joking aside about the premise of my previous post, tumor boards, or oncology management...
Pathologists somewhere along the way became known as “The Doctor’s Doctor”. Not sure who this started with or when but it is an unfortunate term that the specialty has propagated. The implication for the public and healthcare providers...
Empowering Patients With Digital Pathology
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This post originally appeared last October. The intent was to write it for patients in a way that would briefly define pathology to the lay public and explain how digital pathology could empower them in their own care. The post was print...
So let me see if I have this straight -- Epic has hired a lobbying firm to lobby Congress to counter stories they are not interoperable with other systems when in fact they are? And the people you are going to take this message to is...
On Wednesday, The PathologyBlawg shared College of American Pathologists 2013 financial information which highlighted several parts of the book of business of the college including revenue sources and amounts, expenses, donations &...
Somehow in the excitement of greater than 52% cuts to the technical component of the biopsy code and an overall 30% reduction in reimbursement I missed this humorous song about pathology fee codes and decreasing reimbursement. A parody of...