General Healthcare News
XIFIN Acquires PathCentral
Another development in the digital pathology market worth noting. News released yesterday rumored for some time about XIFIN, a financial cloud computing company acquiring another technology company addressing the worldwide the pathology...
For more information the strange tale of Einstein's brain, the pathologist who performed his autopsy at Princeton in 1955, recommend reading "Driving Mr. Albert" or "Possessing Genius: The Bizarre Odyssey of Einstein's Brain" and you can begin...
Medscape (subscription required) had an article last week called "GAO Suspects Monetary Motive in Physician In-House Pathology". Whoo. That's good. I thought the GAO may have been looking into this with a multi-part report for reasons other...
In Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) there is a classic scene addressing brain hematomas and the differences between 2oth century medicine: "A simple evacuation of the expanding epidural hematoma will relieve the pressure!" and 23rd...
Courtesy of By Anna Azvolinsky, PhD, Freelance Science Writer and Cancer Network Contributor. Follow Her on Twitter | August 8, 2013 A new endoscopy technology called photometric stereo endoscopy (PSE), which can...
Thanks to a colleague for alerting me to a recent story from the Boston NPR website written by a practicing pathologist on a recent experience with a patient who requested a one-on-one consultation with him to review her slides and...