General Healthcare News

The Chicago Tribune (11/27, Shelton) reports, "Aiming to inject $200 million into the global campaign to eradicate polio, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced Monday that it is awarding a $100 million challenge grant to...

J Gastroenterol Hepatol.  2007;22(9):1490-1493. Abstract Background and Aim: Currently, an increasing number of liver biopsies are performed by radiologists under real-time ultrasound control. A routine ultrasound assessment of a...

Next Generation of Retirees May Bankrupt System Kathleen Casey-Kirschling was born New Year's Day 1946, at one second past midnight, making her the first baby of a new generation. Raised on "Howdy Doody" and hula hoops, she danced on...

A primary mystery puzzling neuroscientists -- where in the brain lies intelligence? -- just may have a unified answer.In a review of 37 imaging studies related to intelligence, including their own, Richard Haier of the University of California,...

The quality of sound, reproducibility for computer analysis and file-sharing potential of MP3 recordings may nudge the doctor's stethoscope out of favour, according to Canadian researchers presenting here at the Annual Congress of the European...

USA Today (9/6, Donaghue) reports that "a 2003 Journal of the American Medical Association review of autopsy studies" found that "doctors misdiagnose 8 percent to 24 percent of the time." To combat this problem, some are...


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