
Perhaps my DNA could be included in the biggest "biobank" in the country... ROCHESTER, Minn. - Mayo Clinic researchers are planning to create a human DNA bank using samples from 20,000 area residents, and they say it could become the...

In the Los Angeles Times (11/12) Booster Shots Blog, Rosie Mestel asked what individuals should do with the info they receive after spending "a thou' or two" to learn about their "genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's...

The New York Times (9/19, C2, Helft) reports that on Thursday, Sergey Brin, a Google co-founder, announced, via his blog, "that he has a gene mutation that increases his likelihood of contracting Parkinson's disease, a degenerative...

The New York Times (9/9, C3, Pollack) reports that a "company called 23andMe, one of the leaders in the new field of consumer genetic information, is expected to announce on Tuesday that it is cutting the price of its service deeply, to...

May 28 (Bloomberg) -- Francis Collins, who led the U.S. government effort to decode the body's DNA blueprint, will step down as head of the National Human Genome Research Institute effective Aug. 1, the agency said. Collins, 58, helped...

Bill Gates, Eric Lander, Maynard Olson, Leena Peltonen, and George Church fielded questions recently at a fascinating panel discussion on personal genomics at the University of Washington. Beware the flood!!Eric Lander started the night by...


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