TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — At this year’s 29th Congress of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP 2012), Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. (Ventana), a member of the Roche Group, will unveil the latest versions of...
Mergers and acquisitions in the digital pathology space continue. Recent news of Accelpath's acquisition of DigiPath Solutions below. Following the sale of Aperio recently, standalone digital pathology companies are...
According to a WSJ blog post two years ago, it mentioned and asked, "By now, it’s well known that almost anyone you meet — from a potential employer to a prospective date — might be searching for information about you online. But would...
Authors: Helle L, Nivala M, Kronqvist P. Institution: Center for Learning Research, Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, University of Turku, Turku, Finland. lhelle@utu.fi. Abstract The adoption of...
Amande Lowe, president of Digital Pathology Consultants, LLC has a great article for practicing pathologists about common misconceptions regarding the use of digital pathology in the practice of pathology and how and what the technology means...
Frequent readers and those who have heard me speak publicly on the topic of government regulation and oversight of whole slide imaging recognize that I really do not think that manufacturers need a stamp of approval from the FDA to the effect...