Laboratory Management & Operations

Thanks to a colleague for alerting me to a recent story from the Boston NPR website written by a practicing pathologist on a recent experience with a patient who requested a one-on-one consultation with him to review her slides and...

US News & World Report ranked the top US Cancer Centers and Leica Biosystems solutions are trusted by the Top 50  Ranging from specimen preparation and staining to imaging and reporting, our solutions help increase workflow...

Dr. Tom Wheeler from the Baylor College of Medicine (Houston) blogs over at Lab Line by the Doctor’s Doctor on Medscape (registration required). He has insightful pieces that speak to the practice and economics of laboratory medicine.  This...

There is a pressing need to improve and standardize the diagnostic work on cancer in order to optimize patient care.  In Denmark, the healthcare system and pathology departments, face major challenges.  These include too few experienced...

Roche is proud to unveil the fully integrated, highly automated cobas® 6800 and cobas® 8800 Systems, the next generation of molecular diagnostic platforms that will revolutionize the way laboratories operate. The cobas® 6800 System, which...


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