Laboratory Information Systems

The Swedish healthcare Region Östergötland is making a full commitment to digital pathology by investing in a solution from Sectra for storage, review and sharing of digital pathology images. The aim of the region’s investment...

Fee-for-service medicine doesn’t provide the incentive for sharing information. Accountable care and integrated care models have native incentives for having complete information and sharing that only amongst themselves. For as long as I...

Courtesy of SECTRA Pathology is embarking on a similar digitization journey as radiology has experienced. Despite some obvious differences in how the transition to digital images will occur, it is obvious that questions similar to those once...

  With requirements to rapidly catalog and retrieve millions of pathology images and associated patient data, Inspirata sought the most respected name in information infrastructure for its bundled solution. Inspirata, Inc., a...

Exhibiting in booth 104 at the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Annual Meeting Oct. 4-7 in Nashville, Inspirata will showcase how it is helping pathology departments leapfrog into the future with a fully automated workflow and integrated...


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