Laboratory Information Systems

In-Hood Image Capture for the Surgical Pathology Gross Room with HD Video Conferencing Built-in digital imaging that doesn't disrupt your workflow The PathSuite 2 Software interface provides simple OneClick-Plus™ camera control...

Are you headed to DPA Pathology Visions conference in San Antonio at the end of September? Stop by booth 25 to see XIFIN’s state-of-the-art digital consultation forum, Pro.Net, in action. XIFIN Pro.Net (formerly PathCentral Pro.Net)...

Another development in the digital pathology market worth noting.  News released yesterday rumored for some time about XIFIN, a financial cloud computing company acquiring another technology company addressing the worldwide the pathology...

Online Platform Will Expand and Expedite Consultations for Pathologists PathCentral, a technology-enabled company dedicated to the success of the international pathology community, and Affiliated Pathologists Medical Group, today announced...

Courtesy of Electronic Health Reporter - post by Jaye Connolly, CEO of PathCentral (with mention of some of my thoughts and this blog): For all of its sophistication, digital pathology turns on just a few basic value propositions: images...

From This assumes, I think, that the physician offices actually paid for the initial hardware and software rather than a subsidy/donation/provided by a healthcare system or laboratory as many healthcare systems and laboratories...


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