Pathology News

From Canadian Healthcare Technology RICHMOND, B.C. – Plans are afoot to launch Western Canada’s first physician I.T. laboratory, a site where companies, doctors and other healthcare professionals, hospitals and government planners can test...

From the Chicago Tribune by Jon Van.  Published July 22, 2007 It's no cancer cure, but Rud Istvan has something he says will save as many lives: an antimicrobial solution that kills viruses, bacteria and fungi and keeps killing them for...

BEDFORD, Mass., June 26, 2007 -- Hologic Inc., a Bedford, Mass., provider of diagnostic imaging and digital imaging systems geared toward women’s health, announced last month it will acquire BioLucent Inc. and its MammoPad breast cushion...

Readers of the blog are encouraged to check out the Anatomic Pathology Informatics and Imaging Support for Translational Medicine website for conference details.  This year the meeting is being held at the 0Marriott City Center,...

I recently came across this website.  The purpose and disclaimer are available here. The pathology topic is edited by Dr. Taadaki Hiruki, Assistant Professor of Pathology and graduate student in medical informatics at the Oregon Health...

GE and Abbott Labs call off $8 billion deal By Rachel Layne and Elizabeth LopattoBloomberg News Friday July 13, 2007 BOSTON: General Electric and Abbott Laboratories have canceled GE's proposed purchase of Abbott's diagnostics units for...


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