Pathology News
Futurescape of Pathology lectures now available here. I think one the resident CAP travel awardees, Dr. Jochen "Joe" Lennerz summed up the conference the best as below: "“Be ready to assume a little risk” and...
An Illinois pathologist has uploaded 544 histopathology videos on YouTube. My hospital has recently banned this website from hospital PCs. Nonetheless, this pathologist who goes by WashingtonDeceit and whose website contains other...
There is a well done gynecologic (and breast) atlas available here from Dr. Meenakshi Singh at the University of Colorado. The byline on the home page is below. Others are encouraged to submit images to the site. The aim of this...
I recently received a memo from my institution's radiology department sent from the VP and Chairman of Radiology with the above title. I have cut and paste the text of that memo below: "The purpose of this memo is to inform you of...
Welcome to a new blog on digital imaging in pathology. The practice of pathology is changing with advancing and evolving technologies and applications that will impact the practice of pathology as it relates to imaging, image...