Standards and Guidelines

Recently became aware of a pathology group in a large community hospital who submitted a retrospective study to look at whole slide imaging versus conventional light microscopy for purposes of primary H&E diagnosis. The goals of the...

There is a plan to hold a "Summit on Color in Medical Imaging"on 2013-05-08 and 09 at FDA’s White Oak Campus in Silver Springs (Washington DC area, suburban Maryland.) Participants in the organizing committee are FDA - Aldo Badano, ICC -...

Has effective cancer screening with earlier detection of lower stage disease become too effective with patients disregarding revised screening guidelines.  While in screening one casts a wide net to catch as much as possible, there may be...

Health Data Management reports standards development organization Health Level Seven has published an electronic health record standard for clinical research. The Electronic Health Record System Functional Requirements Standard for Clinical...

By guest author Amanda Lowe of Digital Pathology Consultants, LLC The FDA Hematology and Pathology devices advisory panel meeting, open to the public and being held in Gaithersburg, Maryland, began this morning to discuss Whole Slide Imaging...

The organizers of Endometrial Intraepithelial Neoplasia consensus exercise need more pathologists' eyes to review cases.  They want to evaluate the reliability of the diagnostic criteria for endometrial pre-cancers; Endometrial...


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