Physicians' hatred for electronic health records (EHRs) seems to be everywhere. Nearly every physician blog, listserv or social commentary on the state of medicine seems to include their dislike for electronic recording and reporting over...
Not often Hollywood makes a movie about a pathologist so hope this is a good characterization of the pathologist and the the facts of what happened. Based on what little I know of CTE and its association with repeated head trauma looking...
The Aperio Advantage video, for both the Healthcare and Life Science industries, features Leica Biosystems superior, end-to-end solutions with an emphasis, in 3-D, on the Aperio AT2, the most compact, highest capacity brightfield digital...
Latest music video from DRdoubleB famous for many hits including Thrift Lab (Thrift Shop Parody) releases another parody based on the movie Frozen showing once again laughter is good medicine. Do you wanna gross a colon? Do you wanna...
If you're attending the Digital Pathology Congress USA 2015, join ViewsIQ at the Town and Country Hotel in San Diego, Booth 5, for a personalized hands-on demonstration of the Panoptiq™ digital pathology system. To schedule a booth...
A couple of years ago (it really doesn't feel that long) I referenced a comical video I came across looking at if the airlines operated like healthcare. There were references to an outdated paper-based system of getting your documents to the...